My friends and family are all internet users. Some are very skilled and some are not. Some have
My greatest advantages are that I have the time and interest to identify current issues and to seek solutions. I try not to recommend anything that I have not used successfully myself, so it does take a lot of time. I have long been concerned about issues related to data privacy on the web. The chapter in my internet marketing textbook is necessarily oriented to business issues. This blog offers an outlet for personal issues concerning data privacy.
I'm going to try to post two or three times a week. Please follow me by email to receive those posts. I hope you'll also share relevant posts with your own social media following on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn. You might want to start with the second post on identity theft. I made this presentation at a local library back in the spring. I hope to present it at other locations in the fall. At that time I will make a few updates, but it contains an overview of the basics.
I hope you will find the presentation and the posts that follow helpful. I encourage comments, all of which will be monitored before being posted.
Thank you for your interest in this critical subject!