Wednesday, October 17, 2018

How Small Businesses Can Improve Cybersecurity

 Small and medium-sized businesses have as much to loose, maybe more, from gaps in their cyber defenses, as this chart in a report from the Better Business Bureaus shows. Forbes says that "approximately half of small businesses that have a cyber attack go out of business within six months."
The dark blue bar in the chart is BBB Accredited Businesses and they identified themselves as being higher on overall adoption of cybersecurity measures than others.The upper left quadrant of the chart shows that two methods with high effectiveness are under-adopted--safer data storage and multi-factor identification.

The Forbes article goes on to make good recommendations:
  1. Establish a cybersecurity policy and train employees in use of its elements
  2. Update computers including employee mobile devices
  3. Create backups for important data
  4. Limit employee access to data
  5. Secure the business WiFi network
Small business owners have a lot to do, but they should not ignore the importance of good cybersecurity. It's good news that the Forbes recommendations are more common sense than costly!

Stay Safe!

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