Friday, October 19, 2018

Importance of Employee CyberSecurity Training

The Society for Human Resources Management is on the cybersecurity bandwagon also. It has recommendations for business training of employees. One through 3 apply to all businesses, regardless of size.
  1. Show everyone how to spot scams, especially phishing in all its variants. Top execs, including the CEO are important in this effort, because they are privy to sensitive business information.
  2. Train employees consistently.
  3. Use multi-factor authentication wherever possible. 
Only firms with resources and expertise should consider

      4. Penetration testing. This is hiring skilled hackers to try to penetrate the business system. It's a    demanding process and a lot can go wrong. SMBs may be better off hiring a security firm to work with them on identified risks.

Consider the importance of employee training: "Every time a company trains, its risk of falling prey to a successful phishing attack decreases by 20 percent, according to Sharon Nelson, attorney and president of cybersecurity firm Sensei Enterprises Inc. in Fairfax, Va."

TechRepublic says, "People are the largest security vulnerability in any organization." Keeping them engaged in cybersecurity protection, however, is no small task. The post offers suggestions for keeping the subject vibrant. 

Stay Safe!

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