Sunday, October 21, 2018

Sunday Advice: What's a Suspicious Email?

A suspicious email is any message designed to get the recipient to provide personal data. Phishing is the most common method. Here is a definition of phishing from StaySafeOnline:

A phishing attack is a form of social engineering by which cyber criminals attempt to trick individuals by creating and sending fake emails that appear to be from an authentic source, such as a business or colleague.

Their advice on how to spot phishing emails is:
  1. The email asks you to confirm personal information
  2. The web and email addresses do not look genuine
  3. It’s poorly written
  4. There’s a suspicious attachment
  5. The message is designed to make you panic.
It often takes a technical specialist to conclusively determine whether an email is a phishing attack or just something stupid. The layperson should not worry about being sure it is phishing. Just being suspicious is enough to take the appropriate action

When in doubt, throw it out! 

Don't want to run the risk of alienating a friend or colleague? Compose a new message using your own contact information. Briefly explain that the email looked funny and you discarded it to be on the safe side. If it was important, they can reply to your email. 

Watch for suspicious emails
Stay Safe!

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